Redcare Monitoring System
Fire Control UK can give you peace of mind 24/7
How do you protect your business premises and content from the risk of fire?
Fire Control UK installs BT Redcare
Most premises have automatic smoke detection installed to protect both premises and contents. However, if the system detects a fire condition during a period when the premises are unoccupied e.g. (during the night, bank holidays, weekends) who will respond to the fire alarm?
Redcare will constantly monitor your premises and instantly alert the alarm monitoring centre in the event of a fire being detected by your automatic fire alarm and detection system.
Active Monitoring The fire alarm system is connected to an alarm monitoring centre via a BT phone line. The Redcare system will continuously monitor the phone line and should there be any interruptions a warning signal will be activated at the alarm monitoring centre.
This means that your fire alarm signalling cannot be compromised without the knowledge of the alarm receiving centre.
Do we need a new phone line? In most cases an existing phone line can be used providing it is a direct line and not through a switchboard. E.g. an existing fax line or broadband.
Fire Control UK will be pleased to provide you with, a free site survey, along with advice and a quotation to install your automatic Redcare system.
Don't be caught out! We are waiting to help! Click here for more information about BT Redcare
Click here for more information about BT Redcare
Should you require any further information please click here to contact us or call our free phone number 0800 243264.